
A Special Mission: Children

We support the ongoing search for Evan Carpenter, our founder's son, kidnapped at age 8 from Virginia. And we provide pro bono technology and support to child rescue and autism groups nationwide.  Every 40 seconds a child goes missing in America - more than 460,000 a year. They still need us.

If You Want to Help

Deadly South  African Variant lands in US. And we are not ready.

What goes around, comes around. The US & EU  let the vaccine manufacturers lead us like sheep - relaxing FDA standards to pass them and allowing the most unsubstantiated, emotional media messaging since cigarettes. And wasted an entire YEAR of suffering and mortalities - not even offering victims the alternative of antivirals or Innate Immunity boosters.  

There is a marked conundrum developing in this pandemic: those countries which have dosed the fewest vaccines also have the lowest infection and mortality rates from Cov-19.  Those countries dosing the most - the US, UK, France - are awash in new cases and mortality rates are as high as 10%.  WHY did the US focus ONLY on vaccines? And fund not ONE antiviral or Innate Immunity booster - 'cures' that would have started saving lives Day 1?

The Only Solution: ANTIVIRALS

The newest Sars-Cov-2 strain(s) defeat the vaccines because they mutate to get around the neutralizing antibodies, or mRNA manipulations, triggered or used by the  vaccines.


We advise bold, ambitious leaders and teams who are not satisfied with the status quo and eager for change, to provide the  tools and strategies needed to improve performance and optimize public service and outcomes. Our focus areas are defense, intelligence, biotech and security.

Private Sector

Joint ventures and alliances can be an excellent way to boost inorganic growth. We help clients to maximize the value of such arrangements, and build the internal capabilities and structure needed to optimize full potential.


We help global biopharma and biotech companies and government agencies adopt agile ways of working to speed product development and enhance team productivity. And we advise clients on best ways  to maximize R&D and innovation capabilities and ROI.

The numbers you need to know.


Days for the new anti-body based vaccines to work

48 hrs

From initial exposure to infection onset, if vulnerable

1 in 10

Or fewer Americans ever show Covid-19 antibodies


Of 7 billion humans have died of Covid-19 (1.4 million)

The von Braun Space Station (Nasa)

The brainchild of John Blincow (California), the ambitious Space Gateway project will be a massive, rotating space station reminiscent of the ancient 2001 Space Odyssey. 
We were  thrilled to support John with conceptual visualization for the logistics, supply chain, and launch management challenges of earth-bound heavy construction for initial assembly, for eventual porting into space and final assembly.

Strategy, Logistics, and Launch Management advisory

The Gateway Foundation faces significant challenges in managing the earth-bound phase of the heavy construction and assembly.  We were please to introduce its team to another client, which specializes in heavy equipment movement, with projects including the transport and assembly of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Flight safety and avionics

We both design our own innovation, and support clients in design and sale of avionics, space, and satellite innovation to the US government. 

Our design portfolio includes:
  • USAF avionics and jet engine maintenance (Thermo Fisher) 
  • MCAS failure analysis (ODNI, Boeing) 
  • Trimble and other navigational electronics: Chinese CI and supply chain analytics (US DOJ, FBI, DOD) 
  • US Navy jet biofuel design and development, including early algae-based biofuel
  • DARPA and ORNL robotics for self-powered autonomous vehicles

The newest vaccines claim to be 90% effective. But 98% of us are already protected from the virus, naturally. Without ever producing or showing Covid-19 specific antibodies. Why risk the safety of 98%, to save 2%? Wrong answer.

Recent studies and clinical results - that we have flagged to US, WHO, and EU biomed leadership- show strong correlation between the conditions the new vaccines will create, such as higher levels of IgG antibodies, and higher Covid-19 mortality rates. Much as Remdesivir trials show higher mortality rates than placebo groups. Does that make any sense?

What media seem to miss is the real miracle of the pandemic - that more than 98% of us, or 6.86 billion humans, have not died or been sickened. The other element being missed, perhaps out of human arrogance or a focus on commerce, is that God, not man, controls our pandemic fate.

When humans start to take credit for divine creation - our ability to breath, or whether we have human rights - we start down a dangerous path. Nazis wanted to manipulate our genetic material and use embryos and human experimentation also. The Nuremburg treaty forbids this.  

But the facts and math demonstrate that it is not humans - it is not our masks or our containment or our engineered antibodies - protecting 98% of us. It is the way God designed us. Biomed companies have used humans and exploited our emotional fears in the pandemic, for their own profit. Not for our betterment. Because 98% of us are already quite safe. 

We were named US Navy Top 20 Innovator of the Year and have earned global innovation and technology awards. But we would never presume to know better than God, or to be able to design or engineer anything better. If we want to beat the pandemic, we need to use the best clue God already left for us - natural immunity - and repair it for the .019% of us in which their Innate immunity is not working as planned. 

We don't need to jeopardize - and it is immoral to risk this - the strong safety defenses that are working for the 98% rest of us. That's what these vaccines will do. Those of us beating the virus, are not using the antibodies these vaccines want to create.  We need to work WITH the tools God gave us, not AGAINST them. That will lead to more deaths. More mutations. 

Biomed companies did not do their homework, and relied on assumptions - not facts - to design the vaccines that will net them billions to trillions of USD in margin. There's no margin in admitting that 98% of us don't need them, is there? 

Stopping the Pandemic before 2021? We think we can - here's how:

The Americas are the world's hotbed for pandemic spread. It is only our vast geographical areas, that spread out the millions of cases and give us the illusion of safety or normalcy. Two-thirds of our "Americas' cases come from Central and South America. We have identified a biochemical solution that mitigates the genetic encoding that makes Hispanic individuals 2 to 3 times more susceptible to Covid-19 than white or Asian individuals.

Stopping the Pandemic before 2021? We think we can - here's how:

The Americas are the world's hotbed for pandemic spread. It is only our vast geographical areas, that spread out the millions of cases and give us the illusion of safety or normalcy. Two-thirds of our "Americas' cases come from Central and South America. We have identified a biochemical solution that mitigates the genetic encoding that makes Hispanic individuals 2 to 3 times more susceptible to Covid-19 than white or Asian individuals.

Don't let anyone buffalo you into thinking they have the right cure for our pandemic, if it just doesn't add up. Our vaccines have serious issues, and don't make sense.

Like mRNA?

Messenger RNA (mRNA) and MicroRNA (miRNA) are both types of  RNA used by Covid-19 in the process of  replicating itself to spread throughout our bodies. miRNA binds to a genetic sequence in the 3'UTR region of mRNA, regulating or degrading its expression.  As early as March, we were advising US Federal agencies how to use both mRNA and miRNA to not only impede Covid-19 RNA replication, but to also act as a therapeutic to mitigate risk of diabetes, heart and liver damage in vulnerable patients, caused by the virus. And we announced the first Covid-19 specific anti-viral to make use of these mechanisms. Our product starts working in 24 hours, not 30 days, and shows excellent efficacy against Covid-19, as well as other lung-specific viral infections.



'US Navy Top 20 Innovator of the Year'

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that  is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein - something Covid-19 must do in the process of replicating itself (or its RNA) to spread throughout our bodies. MicroRNA (miRNA) is a type of non-coding RNA  that binds to a sequence in the 3'UTR region of mRNA, regulating  gene expression. Up to 50% of all protein-coding genes are regulated by miRNA in this manner, including Covid-19 RNA.
We proposed in early March 2020, a broad-spectrum anti-viral product that impacts  both mRNA and miRNA to impede Covid-19 RNA replication (infection) - just one of several mechanisms used to target the virus at every lifecycle phase.

Nine months later, major vaccine companies are also coming forward with mRNA-based 'vaccines' to impede Covid-19 replication. Our anti-viral works in under 24 hours, with limited or no side effects and no mortalities. The vaccines will required 30 days to take effect, have serious side effects, and some mortality risk.

Sometimes innovation is not building something different; but recognizing new capabilities in what we already have.   

In an emergency, it is a natural human psychological need to feel protected. To feel that someone bigger and stronger and smarter than us, has our backs. That's why alpha males emerged, and over generations that role translated into what we now have as federal governments, worldwide. Our "protector.' But sometimes we don't need a traditional protector, or the biggest name on the block. Sometimes we just need the fastest, most creative or unorthodox innovator. 

Using intelligence & AI to understand our pandemic options

White-faced capuchin monkeys, or Cebus capucinus, are found all over the rain forests of Central America. In some coastal areas, they have discovered the use of 'tools' - how to use stones to bash open oysters or other sea food. They are about where we were in our own evolution, about 2.6 million years ago. 

The newest deadly strains of SARS-Cov-2 are spreading through Europe 10 times faster than Cov-19. So.. who's on top of it? Do we have a worldwide 'plan?"

We don't live in a vacuum in America. But the US  did not join the European Covid-19 collaborative consortium, and then withdrew from WHO. The largest companies spent millions in marketing to pull in billions in vaccine funding - but do we have viable vaccines yet? We need aggressive, real-time and iterative (dynamic)  vaccine, product, and policy innovation that is collaborative, not competitive.


Replacing Animal & Human Drug Trials in Cov-19 Vaccines

The intense worldwide search for a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine has given rise to several new areas of ethical debate. "Human experimentation' is forbidden under the Nuremberg Code (post-Holocaust), Vatican II, UNESCO, CAT, and other global humanitarian treaty. So is embryo use.

We strongly agree. Because there are other options that are more accurate, faster, and more reliable and so we have alternatives. We are not guinea pigs, we are humans.

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Can our new AI framework, under consideration by HHS-BARDA and the US Defense Department, replace the cruelty of animal & human trials? We think so.

Designing the world's first Pre-Launch Hypersonic & Nuclear Defense System

A truly new weapon or combat innovation - something not in existence anywhere - comes along once or twice a century. Our flagship US hypersonic & nuclear framework - four years in the creation, including support from the world's top  space designer, Northrop Grumman - elevates the US and OTAN to an entirely new paradigm in offensive and strategic capability.

This space-based system is hoped to dramatically reduce US  and allied military casualties; civilian casualties and displacements; and destruction of local infrastructure (homes, hospitals, schools).

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Replacing Animal & Human Drug Trials in Cov-19 Vaccines

The intense worldwide search for a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine has given rise to several new areas of ethical debate. "Human experimentation' is forbidden under the Nuremberg Code (post-Holocaust), Vatican II, UNESCO, CAT, and other global humanitarian treaty. So is embryo use.

We strongly agree. Because there are other options that are more accurate, faster, and more reliable and so we have alternatives. We are not guinea pigs, we are humans.

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Can our new AI framework, under consideration by HHS-BARDA and the US Defense Department, replace the cruelty of animal & human trials? We think so.

Designing the world's first Pre-Launch Hypersonic & Nuclear Defense System

A truly new weapon or combat innovation - something not in existence anywhere - comes along once or twice a century. Our flagship US hypersonic & nuclear framework - four years in the creation, including support from the world's top  space designer, Northrop Grumman - elevates the US and OTAN to an entirely new paradigm in offensive and strategic capability.

This space-based system is hoped to dramatically reduce US  and allied military casualties; civilian casualties and displacements; and destruction of local infrastructure (homes, hospitals, schools).

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Heart & Lungs

It reduces cellular "Oxidation Stress" and ensures adequate O2

Initial Infection

It inhibits initial infection by blocking ACE2 & TMPRSS-2

Immune Response

It  triggers neutralizing antibodies stops lung inflammation.

Our re-purposed anti-viral recently lowered Cov-19 infection likelihood and respirator deaths by 50%. That's at low dose. Imagine it full-strength. Our just-approved competitor, can't even come close to our anti-viral's efficacy or scope.

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Fortune 50 Candy & Pet Food Label
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US Defense Integrator

From the beginning, the US COVID-19 vaccine effort has lacked logic, scientific method, 'division of duties,' and teamwork.  It is a cut-throat competition for profits with  no coordination of overall national effort or spending or project planning. 

Covid-19 is a genuine "species event' that has threatened the survival of our species and our world, all the species depending on us for almost a full year. 

But US, world, and biomed leadership - and especially the media - have never viewed the pandemic and our national (let alone global) 'quest' for a solution as realistically. Or professionally. 

The work is fragmented, disorganized, over-funded in some areas and not funded at all in other areas -- if this were a 'professional' effort; everything would be organized, nothing missed; and our best 'managers' would be 'managing' the nation's pandemic response AT ALL LEVELS. 

There has been no coordination at all of national spending  - so that all urgent functions and phases receive enough resources - because  there was no initial division of duties. 
Who owns containment? We've over-funded at the local level and under-funded at the coordinating federal level.

Who owns biomedical, and what is the line between biomedical and technology? (vaccine, other medicine)

Who owns overall national pandemic budget responsibility, which includes coordination and transparency so that citizens can choose what to fund? Is our total pandemic expenditure even viewed as a single pie? To catch overlap and redundancy? 

Who owns research coordination and management - or is it even managed?
Because the US and other nations are stepping all over each other and funding the same research over and over - the same handful of universities who know how to play the funding game and grab CNN headlines, at $500/hr rates per faculty or 'expert,' whilst 66 million US citizens can't pay rent. Universities exist to teach, not as profit arms. If every nation is struggling for money -- what ever happened to pooling resources and dividing tasks? Why pay Northwestern or Johns Hopkins or Oxford to repeat the same work China or Australia already did? Can media for ONCE figure this out?

 Who owns intelligence responsibility for missed things - like an early ACE2 inhibitor that could have been tested to start saving lives back in February? 

Who pulls all the disparate pieces together? ANYONE? 

From the beginning, the US COVID-19 vaccine effort has lacked logic, scientific method, 'division of duties,' and teamwork.  It is a cut-throat competition for profits with  no coordination of overall national effort or spending or project planning. 

Covid-19 is a genuine "species event' that has threatened the survival of our species and our world, all the species depending on us for almost a full year. 

But US, world, and biomed leadership - and especially the media - have never viewed the pandemic and our national (let alone global) 'quest' for a solution as realistically. Or professionally. 

The work is fragmented, disorganized, over-funded in some areas and not funded at all in other areas -- if this were a 'professional' effort; everything would be organized, nothing missed; and our best 'managers' would be 'managing' the nation's pandemic response AT ALL LEVELS. 

There has been no coordination at all of national spending  - so that all urgent functions and phases receive enough resources - because  there was no initial division of duties. 
Who owns containment? We've over-funded at the local level and under-funded at the coordinating federal level.

Who owns biomedical, and what is the line between biomedical and technology? (vaccine, other medicine)

Who owns overall national pandemic budget responsibility, which includes coordination and transparency so that citizens can choose what to fund? Is our total pandemic expenditure even viewed as a single pie? To catch overlap and redundancy? 

Who owns research coordination and management - or is it even managed?
Because the US and other nations are stepping all over each other and funding the same research over and over - the same handful of universities who know how to play the funding game and grab CNN headlines, at $500/hr rates per faculty or 'expert,' whilst 66 million US citizens can't pay rent. Universities exist to teach, not as profit arms. If every nation is struggling for money -- what ever happened to pooling resources and dividing tasks? Why pay Northwestern or Johns Hopkins or Oxford to repeat the same work China or Australia already did? Can media for ONCE figure this out?

 Who owns intelligence responsibility for missed things - like an early ACE2 inhibitor that could have been tested to start saving lives back in February? 

Who pulls all the disparate pieces together? ANYONE? 

From the beginning, there was a marked lack of logic, scientific method, and simple engineering methodology to the mad rush for a Cov-19 vaccine.

The drawings at right illustrate just a fraction of the complexity of the human response to any virus. We needed this same complexity in the national vaccine response. Not just quick media sound bytes and false leads. And personality cults.

Cov-19, like any other virus or bacteria or other disease-causing agent, impacts us across our ENTIRE BODY, at multiple levels - biochemical, molecular, and usually genetic as well. Our nation and many other nations, and the largest biopharma companies already earning billions from this pandemic, have treated Cov-19 as lightly as if it were just another product line.

There is laziness, sloppiness, and absolute lack of attention to detail. Lack of any structure or formalized control - from HHS or NIH or whomever is supposed to be 'managing' this vaccine response. For almost a year.  

AI and true scientific or engineering methodology is the only way to design or engineer (a word even biopharma use) anything.  
  1. You start with defining requirements. (It must do ... xyz). 
  2. You THROW OUT all assumptions. 
  3. You look at historical data and lessons learned from the past, and other teams, 

One of the first things that struck our CEO, as an invited attendee to the earliest US Covid-19 Task Force biomed calls (AMA, NIH, CDC, HHS, and other topic leaders) was the absence of any 'systems' or engineering view. There was no attempt to define or gather requirements, or to define entry and exit criteria, or even to draft a master plan or project approach.  

Covid-19 is a sophisticated virus with 6 to 7 well-defined life-cycle stages, and each stage impacts and is impacted and/or triggered by huge complexity within the human system. At all three of our basic compositional levels - biochemical, molecular, and genetic. Saying there is only 1 or 2 ways to "shut down' (defend against) Cov-19 is like saying there is only one route from California to Pittsburgh. There are hundreds  of routes, thousands of choices and intersections and right turns and wrong turns; and different ways to travel. How could we even start such a journey without first defining the basic requirements or parameters - our budget, our timetable, our health condition, road and weather conditions, etc? 

We didn't know what we didn't know, and that has caused 1 million deaths thus far and months of delay, because the wrong problem-solving approach was used from the very beginning. 

The prevailing attitude, in the US and elsewhere, was 'we've got this" .. from NIH and FDA and the rest of the biopharma community. "We know already, without any research at all, or any historical intelligence or AI modeling at all, what is needed to solve this pandemic!" and off everyone ran to competing labs to be the first to bring their solution to market. 

That's not how we build, or design, or succeed at ANYTHING. In ANY discipline: engineering, national defense, counter-terrorism. 

The focus seemed to be entirely on antibody- or vector-driven solutions for 1 of 2 functions: fool the viral RNA translation process, to prevent replication; or fool the human immune system into producing antibodies. Or, sometimes the dialogue deferred into throwing at the virus, any of a handful of drugs that had never worked before for their intended purpose (Remdesivir, some of the Astra Zeneca trials, the anti-malarials) .. but they were sitting around on shelves and so why not re-use that wasted effort against Cov-19. 

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Fe, C63H89CoN14O14P



Fe, C63H89CoN14O14P



Fe, C63H89CoN14O14P



Our re-purposed anti-viral was recently shown (again) to reduce Cov-19 infections by 50%+. And to reduce respirator deaths from 66% to 33%. That's at lowest dose. Imagine it full-strength.

We told US leadership and the Cov-19 Task Force in March we knew the first basic step to slowing the pandemic: our broad-spectrum anti-viral. Eight months of hard research later, we've discovered it has a secret - 

Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you!

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A Special Mission: Children 

We support the ongoing search for Evan Carpenter, our founder's son,  1 of more than 460,000 kidnapped and missing children each year.  We also donate technology, insight and strategy services to global child find agencies, to help every missing or harmed child.

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