Space is not the place to fight a nuclear war. Earth is.
The question is, where do we go from here? How can the US & Nato make this right?
The workhorse Shahed-136 Iranian missile used by Russia to murder nearly HALF A MILLION Ukrainians as of August 2023, uses simple inertial (computer-guided) navigation with a consumer-grade GPS system to launch and find its target. So does the the Raduga Kh-101 (RS-AS-23A Kodiak), used in 23% of long-range attacks against targets in Ukraine. We have advocated since 2017, and provided the technical analysis to support President Trump's PNT Cyber E.O. in 2021, that the US must secure GPS against Russian, North Korean, Iranian, Chinese, and other terrorist use. Stopping Russian and Chinese military momentum now, before they reach this capability before the US & NATO, will shape the future of world security. Open navigation or commercial data networks is no longer safe.
Because the US has the technology capability - through or work and submitted prototype, with the builders of the James Webb and Hubble space telescopes offerering to implement at cost in humanitarian emergency - to remedy this cyber security and design lapse in our decades-old GPS and ground networks; and Elon Musk, Galileo, and other new and emerging satellite networks can easily add this capability; US and NATO policy should be immediately updated to reflect this responsibility and need.
Meeting the need for a new kind of system: defensive & offensive at once
Every time a Russian drone, jet, or guided missile launches it must first engage an uplink "hello' to a navigational satellite, and receive a downward 'ok to join' signal back. GPS receiver cards and chips, as well as gyroscopic and memory electronic components, are uniquely identifiable, and usually originate in Western companies, and are tracked in US or NATO databases. Russian missiles evaluated in the Ukraine, and drones that attacked the Saudi Aramco oil fields, also proved that US GPS and US-originating chips were used in those attacks.
It is much easier to hit a larger, slower target on a predictable tragectory, visible to radar, or being guided by one's own military satellite navigational network BEFORE it jettisons its large rocket shell and boosts out of atmosphere, than AFTER. Better yet is the capability to prevent any enemy military craft, drone, or missile - especially if hypersonic - from every leaving the ground. Since 2017, DC Strategic Group has been a pioneer thought leader for this critical paradigm change in US and NATO air and missile defense. Russia and Iranian leadership have frequently announced in public media their intent to build their own space navigation networks, precisely to prevent the US from ever fully developing and implementing this key strategic-tactical capability.
Tracking a jet anywhere worldwide - the new Eurialo program announced by ESA (European Space Agency) this summer - is a simplified version of our prototype design, vetted and approved by Northrop Grumman engineers and under US Department of Defense review since 2021, to identify and control or constrain not just military jet, but also drone and missile launch and trajectory.
We don't need sensors to detect a launch that our own US satellites just approved, and are now supporting with real-time flight guidance. Especially when monitored by US Military out of Peterson AFB (Northcom) in Colorado Springs. Or by various EU and NATO commands, from other sites. Even when Glonass is eventually used, the US and NATO will still have the right under international law to:
There are 4 distinct stages in most missile or UAV attack sequences:
awake and load target,
launch, flight to target, and terminal phase (detonation).
Every existing or planned missile defense system targets only the last two phases: except ours. Since 2017, our CEO has led concept and engineering design for missile & satellite defense.
The main advantage of high-end gyroscopes in space, missile, and hypersonic flight performance is their support for unaided inertial navigation, also known as dead-reckoning. We offer engineering design and product development to support new capabilities into protection and destabalization of sophisticate flight & guidance mechanics.
The US controls and/or has monitoring access to ground stations used by Russia and China worldwide. We were one of the first US Military contractors to ask the question, "How can we best make use of this physical & computing access?"
the DC
Strategic Group
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