
Our Clients

About our Clients

DC Stratgic Group provides services to a wide range of clients, including Fortune 500 companies, private companies, and government agencies. Deloitte's clients include companies in the technology, media, telecommunications, energy, resources, industrials, consumer, and government sectors.

Examples of Client Services

Technology Companies

We help tech and IT companies with a range of services, from managed network care, to cyber or cloud, to program management or architectures.

Energy Companies

We helps companies, such as Duke Energy, manage their environmental footprint with business strategies to expand into renewable energy.

Government Agencies

We provide  a range of services, from technology innovation, to OSINT and analytics, to management strategies and financial audit and fiscal reviews. 


Our non-profit services focus on financial support, tax and compliance, donor campaigns, and fractional or outsourced ED or CFO support.

Corporate Clients

We provide business growth, compliance, and performance consulting in applied AI, cyber, software, and financial and market analytics.

Government Vendors

We help small business to corporate clients achieve or improve success in capture and business development, and key relationship management.

Our Representative Clients Include:

10 Downing Street

American Airlines

American Academy of Pediatrics

Autism Today

Bloomberg Technology

Booz Allen Hamilton

Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

California State Government (Tax, DOJ)

Capital One HQ

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, CNI

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Cheyenne Mountain / NORAD

Comisaría de Policía Madrid-Centro

Danish Government

DC-HSEMA (Homeland Security)


Duke Energy

Egyptian Development Bank

Ernst & Young

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

Financial Times - London


General Dynamics

George Washington University

Harvard University

Horizon Europe l European Commission


Innovation Lab, Oracle

John Deere Technology Innovation Center

Lockheed Martin

Mars, Inc

MIT Lincoln Labs



National District Attorneys Association

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

National Ground Intelligence Center (INSCOM)

National Institutes of Health, Executive Secretariat

National Park  Service

National Security Agency (NSA)

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

New York Port Authority

Northrop Grumman

Oakridge Laboratory, USDOE

Orange County Sheriff's Department (FL)

Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe

Pricewaterhouse Coopers

Saudi Aramco

SOCOM - Centcom

Talk About Curing Autism

TIGTA (Treasury)

Thermo Fisher Scientific

UK Special Forces

UNESCO - Paris

US Attorney, Eastern NY

US Department of Commerce

US Department of Defense

US Department of Energy

US Health & Human Services

US Homeland Security

US Department of Interior

US Department of Justice

US Department of Labor (BIS)

US State Department

US Treasury



Warren Buffett / BH Media

White House

World Bank

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