Counter-Terrorism and situational analysis. Air Force One, Maralego.
Cyber Security and IT diagnositics support. Cassini and later.
Tactical & strategic intelligence, AI, Jedi cloud & collection.
Translation, training, and MidEast Intelligence.
Pandemic R&D, Cyber Security & Compliance.
MIssile Defense, Mission Support.
Pandemic & autism R&D, policy research.
Software Development, military personnel support.
Counter-terrorism and intelligence.
Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence.
Container & Port Security Guidelines, Counter-terrorism, air safety, CBP support.
IT and Cyber audit and cloud leadership. AML and terorrism intelligence.
Cyber Security and Cyber Architecture.
Cloud and container advisory,
HIstorical Preservation, NOAH & Satellite land use and volcanic mapping advisory.
Children's Issues, strategy advisory and policy / program development.
Training and Cyber Advisory (Huawei Indictment, other).
Robotics and self-guided vehicle test and development.
North Korean Satelilte Analysis support with Oracle.
Counter-terrorism support, Oracle software development.
the DC
Strategic Group
The Intelligence Community
ORNL - Batelle
Office of Naval Research (ONR)
The Brookings Institution
Harvard Innovation Labs
British Medical Journal
UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
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