Government AI

“In emergency response, AI is not just a tool, but a lifeline. From streamlining non-emergency call triage, to enhancing training through virtual scenarios..  AI is revolutionizing our operations.'

 - Mike Brewer, Deputy Director, Jefferson Co. CO Emergency Communications

AI for Real-time Decision Suppport for Emergency Mgt.

“In an emergency, we have to look out for our most vulnerable people. The impact on them will be much deeper than those who can just swipe a credit card and self-evacuate..'


- Jerica Shackelford, former chief of staff for the DC

Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEM

We are proud to have supported the DC HSEMA HQ in Anacostia, with custom IT  and Homeland Security strategy and insight, in partnership with Anser, US Homeland Security. We offer IT and strategy support to help emergency response and public safety agencies modernize and improve outcomes.

DC HSEMA: Synching satellite feeds with real-time visibility of 10 square miles

Leveraging AI Data Lakes for Real-Time Event Management

On May 7, 2021, a Russian hacker group, DarkSide, used a previously compromised password to break into   the servers of Colonial Pipeline, the nation's third-largest oil company, that supplies fuel for roughly half of the East Coast. The attack closed the pipeline and fuel supplies to Washington DC and nearby MD and VA. Colonial paid  $4.4 million in Bitcoins in ransom a few days later.

The AI-driven DC HSEMA headquarters monitored tens of thousands of gas and diesel stations and supply levels; commumity interactions, street cams and satellite feeds to protect agaist panic hoarding or violence.

At left is our DC Strategic Group-generated mapping of area gas supplies, using DC HSEMA dashboards.

AI Call Diversion Technology

“In emergency response, AI is not just a tool, but a lifeline. From streamlining non-emergency call triage to enhancing training through virtual scenarios, our use of AI technology is revolutionizing our operations.'

 - Mike Brewer, Deputy Director, Jefferson Co. Colo Emergency Communications

Most Emergency Communications Centers(ECCs) face a spike in non-emergency calls during a natural weather or other emergency event. Some are redundant, some are critical life-and-death calls. AI can help with triage, and caller location identification - top issues for ECCs.

For example, if there is a large wildfire in an area,  there is often a major influx of calls from people reporting smoke or fire. If local authorities are already responding to that incident, an influx of calls can deter resources from addressing other emergencies related, or unrelated to the same event -  like heart attacks, evacuation needs, or downed power lines. AI can be programmed to recognize key words like 'heart attack,' or phrases indicative of repetitive reporting of the same event, and route calls and emergency responders accordingly.

FACT SHEET: Improving 9-1-1 Operations with Artificial Intelligence

Access a PDF version of the Fact Sheet by clicking the link below.

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AI Consulting and Services throughout our nation's capital region

We engage, partner with, and supply some of Washington's brightest thinkers and accelerators  to support DC Mayor Bowser and Federal visions of digital modernization toward the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

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