Russia & the Ukraine

Russia and the Ukraine

Sanctions alone are not effective unless they hit at the heart of the activity one is trying to stop.   Prioiritizing oligarchs did not stop the invasion because oligarchs do not lead and are not critical to the Russian military or economy. The Ukraine war was architected  by  Donetsk separatists wanting to leave the Ukraine - a decades-old ethnic battle previously refereed by Germany and the EU - who played on Putin's greed for lucrative natural resources - coal and natural gas, and minerals in Ukraine territory.
Only targeting what Russia really cares about -  lucrative trade and the banking networks supporting it, and military and fuel supply chains - can stop the war. That's why the UK and EU  sanctions prioritize military and communications devices, metals and mining, minerals, and building materials.

These  global supply chains and banking networks have been our intelligence sweet spot:

our intelligence has directly supported more US DOJ indictments of Russian FSB, and more new sanction announcements in the US and UK, we believe, than any other US government contractor.

Attacking Russian Banking Worldwide

We obtained and published or shared account numbers from Putin's top 3 banks. And tracked AML and trade from South America's wealthiest US investors, into these banks.

Putting Teeth to US & UK Sanctions

In 2023 we have identified and elevated hundreds of  Rostek and Russian Government-owned or sponsored entites  and over 81 named persons trading with US persons & entities; putting us all at risk. And our intelligence has supported not only new US SDN listings, but new, major UK and Ukraine sanctions.

War Crime Intelligence

Because Russia never joined the International Criminal Court (ICC) its warrant for Putin's arrest has no venue. The ICC and EU are currently meeting - April 2024 - at the Hague to discuss how to bring Putin to justice. Every sanction violator, and every direct or indirect supporter of Russia's economy or military we elevate and help bring to justice, also curtails War Crimes.

“Good intelligence, delivered with honesty and integrity, is America’s first line of defense.”

- Bill Burns, Dirctor of the Central Intelligence Agency (2023)


In Spring 2022, we became the first US government contractor to expose a little-known Russian Government Naval and Nuclear Innovation and Manufacturing entity: IZUMRUD ("Emerald")

The UK Government sanctioned AO Izumrud and its stock holding and parent companies in 2023 for Russian naval and other military activities and support. And oddly enough, that Izumrud and its manufacturing plan in Moscow bear uncanny similarity to another entity, NPP Izumrud, in Estonia and St Petersburg, Russia; with offices in Miami and worldwide:

In actuality, we did find linkage between the sanctioned AO Izumrud and its holding companies, and the US-affiliated NPP Izumrud and its officers and holding company. Including a striking similarity in manufacturing or trade operations between the Moscow AO Izumrud plant  and the Tallinn, Es NPP Izumrud plant; and strong linkage with other military, construction, electronics, internet and banking activities amongst the entire global Izumrud networks(s).

Even more distrubing, Russia's three largest banks support AO Izumrud - the two Sberbanks and VTB - and also partner openly with US financial entities, like Experian. And NPP Izumrud flaunts "Made in America' and US Dept of Commerce import rules, not just santions and trading restrictions; and has open registrations on the US SEC, and with EPA and other federal agencies. It even sells to US local government buyers. Large investors - like Black Rock - are listed on SEC and other documents as Izumrud investors or shareholders.

Urgent Need for US Federal Agencies to Protect and Compensate Americans who Expose Russian Activities

The Izumrud family is just one of hundreds of Russian-owned and/or Russian Government-funded (almost the same thing) companies we have found since spring 2022 that if not sanctioned, should be. But until the US government gets serious about protecting US workers and companies who try to oppose Russia  - with victim financial compensation for fraud or enticement, or harassment, and other protections - not many will come forward. Who wants to lose their house or car or work over some far-away land?  These are truly giant firms with billions to trillions in assets and cash - does any one US citizen or small business really think they can stand up to them, if they own for ex., that American's employer?  Or they know someone who can make a car loan be called in early or other things go wrong? Who can afford to lose anything, after the Pandemic?

Clearly, sanctions alone are not enough, yet, to stop Russia; and Russia is entrenched deeply into all areas of US and EU life, commerce, and financial activity.

Tracking Russian Crypto & Banking Activity Linked to US Persons and Entities:  VTB Bank, PJSC Sberbank, and PJSC Promsvyazbank

AO IZUMRUD is one of several dbas for Russia's global Naval & Nuclear manufacturing arm known as "emerald" (Izumrud). We were instrumntal in flagging Izumrud iterations to the UK Treasury in winter 2023, and the UK responded by almost immediatelly issuing Crimes Against Humanity warrants and sanctions against it. Izumrud is listed on Ukraine and EU sanctions lists in several iterations, but its real complexity spans hundreds of Russian-owned entities. Most of which are aligned along threads supported by either Rostekh, or Putin directly.

When the US Government pays trillions to build the US defense industry, it is paying to fight companies like this one - Izumrud and its iterations - and like Rostekh and Spektre, the Russian Space and Satellite R&D networks. So it does matter, when these Russian firms are ignored by US and EU governments and allowed to keep building.

We have long believed that, due to its technology and S&T influence and oversight, Rostekh has always been the more dangerous target than the Wagner Group.  The real threat from Russia to the rest of the world lies in its space, hypersonic, and nuclear WMD dominance.And that is the Roskekh - Izumrud - Spektr - related empire.

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