A "herd' in nature is a small extended family group. A few dozen. Not an entire planet. 8 billion of anything will NEVER EVER reach 'herd immunity.' But, do we need to?
Molecular modeling of Covid19 and host interactions - visualizing and controling the impact(s) of simultaneous occurrence of multiple effects.
As one of the nation's leading US military innovators and small strategy & design firms, we improve and deliver capabilities in financial, engineering, AI, and pandemic biologics.
This reputation has earned our participation in everything from the rewriting of US and UK autism pediatrics diagnosis guidelines, to EUA application and clinical trials review for the new mRNA vaccines. Our 2020 - 2021 pandemic firsts include:
Shared with UK PM Boris Johnson's ER Physician when he was admitted to hospital in April 2020 - almost a year before US AMA approval.
Engineering is engineering, biotech or other tech. We don't use live humans to test nuclear defense systems, and biopharma is no different.
This is why vaccines were always reserved for the last step in any public health emergency response.
We lead the world in Covid despite the vaccines, because the vaccines are the WRONG solution, at this time. Are we are speeding into a death trap?
Biotech Engineering
AI in Biotechnology
Technology Innovation
Embedded Design & Software
Public Health Policy
the DC
Strategic Group
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