Vaccine Risks: Things all consumers should understand
"Why?" is one of the best words in any language.
We don't ask this question nearly enough, as adults. Or we might have solved this tragic current pandemic last winter.
"WHY can't we use the safe, strong anti-virals we have right now?"
DC Strategic Group, March 2020
"If Bill Gates estimates a vaccine death rate of 1%, and our overall pandemic death rate is less than 1%, why do we want to risk vaccines?"-
NY Times, US Congressional Questions, Ongoing
If 99.1% of us are protected from Covid-19 naturally, through our Innate Immunity and the majority of this group never show Covid-19 antibodies or other vaccine elements -an observable and measurable, provable scientific FACT after a year of shared global medical and tissue databases, shared analysis- why would any logical government or company try to sell us an antibody-based vaccines as a solution?
Vaccines pose a risk because of how they are designed to operate
Vaccines pose significant health risk, sometimes dna or viral mutation and even mortality risks, because they are an artificial human intervention into how our immune systems are designed to work.
Infamous vaccine failures illustrate questions the US should have asked, that were NOT asked, of the Covid-19 vaccines
In 1976, roughly 45 million people were vaccinated in 10 weeks against “swine flu.” The US government abruptly stopped the vaccination program when no swine flu cases were detected outside the military base where the disease originated and when an unexpectedly high number of cases of Guillain-Barré
syndrome were reported in vaccinated individuals, and some mortalities.
Guillain-Barre syndrome is essentially an auto-immune disease, in which the body's natural immune system (Innate Immunity) false recognizes parts of the body - organs, or the nervous or lymphatic system - as an invader and attacks it. So this vaccine essentially took normal, healthy humans and sabotaged their Innate Immune system, turning it against themselves, instead of against the virus.
As a result of the association between the 1976 swine flu vaccine and Guillain-Barré syndrome, this condition is closely monitored every influenza season as part of the influenza vaccine safety monitoring in the United States.