Pandemic Innovation

Our major contribution to pandemic innovation was the concept that humans can do better than just a vaccine. We can figure out why Covid turned into such a novel threat in the first place. And apply that knowledge to find a cure.

If we accept that we cannot change a condition, then we won't. But God gave us some pretty good clues that Covid was an easily beatable virus: our children. Every child worldwide was naturally immune to covid symptoms or death - indicative of an Innate Immunity defense. What we base anti-virals and antibiotics on. Not indicative of an Adaptive Immunity defense; which is what vaccines are based on.

  • Few if any covid survivors had antibodies. Humans did not need them.
  • But every Covid mortality had low Vitamin D - Innate Immunity depletion
  • 99% of all adults and 100% of all children were naturally immune. That meant Covid was disabled or defeated by our Innate Immune system - and vaccines would alter or destroy that strong, front-end, broad pattern recognition response. Chinese researchers had posited this as early as 2010 - saying that vaccines would be dangerous to any corona response.


One path, treatment & cure, would have led to immediate pandemic halt.

The other path, vaccines, led instead to mass hysteria and needless deaths. Because Covid is NOT an Adaptive Immunity pathogen.

And children did not beat it with antibodies. No one did.

Children beat covid as soon as they inhaled it, with their Innate anti-viral response, that killed enough Covid microbials fast enough, before they could start to replicate, that their human systems were not overwhelmed. We had urged since March 2020 to look at pediatric Covid immunity, and copy it.

We even met with Pfizer executives about this concept. And pointed out that Pfizer appeared to be taking credit for God's work: because if 100% of children and 99% of adults were ALREADY immune to Covid .. then, how could Pfizer or any human company claim to improve on those rates?

Pfizer was fined by the US DOJ just a couple of years  before the pademic  the largest Biomed fine in world history, for 'lying' about clinical results and risk, and for buying regulatory votes, and paying kickbacks. WHO called Pfizer and its partner, Sanofi, "monsters' for killing children and adults in clinical trials in Africa. And for Thalidomide, Depakote, and the Dengue vaccine. Israeli media were furious with internal, leaked Pfizer memos referring to Israel as its 'experimentation station.'

The 'truth' is, we believe, that humans never needed a vaccine to slow Covid. And the vaccines are harmful - both in their conditioning and their action.

We have said since March 2020, along with the British Medical Journal. and other noted research organizations, that Covid was never really a pandemic. Because it killed so few - less than 2% worldwide. Nothing like small pox or the Black Plague - adaptive viral attackers that killed almost everyone. Especially children.

You see a real 'pandemic' spreads out of control. But that was not covid.

Covid was always only a mild attacker, compared to smoking-related diseases or deaths. And our hospitals were never full from Covid - they were already 80% full from smoking-related disease; and violence-related injuries took another 5-10%.


Broad-Spectrum Anti-Viral 
Boost Innate Immunity (Vit D, aminos)
Antibiotics with Anti-Viral properties
Anti-inflammatory drugs


Refine Component-based Anti-Viral
Transition emergency Innate Boost 


Change lifestyle habits & conditioning 
Educate on Innate Immunity 
 Government programs to support health
Vaccine is counter-intuitive

 Not every threat to human health is best countered by a vaccine.

This concept was appealing in the early days of the pandemic because it was familiar. In terrifying circumstances it is a natural human response to reach for the familiar. And, the traditional biopharma industry and regulatory funding channels were accustomed to vaccines. NIH is not a Space X or NASA, or even a Google. It was not built to be an AFWERX rocket science innovator.

But as Scientific American and Kaiser Family Foundation and others -- the Rockefeller Foundation, HHMI, the British Medical Journal - all said, "If we can find a treatment or cure, we won't need a vaccine."

 STEP 2: Use Innate Antivirals

Customizing Treatment & Cure Components

If Innate Immunity is depleted, or there are special health conditions, we had proposed targeted, component-based antiviral pro-drugs as rapid viral inhibitors to stop Covid before the  m-RNA replication phase. (And by the way, the Innate Immune system naturally inhibits Covid or any other viral replication in an even stronger manner than the vaccines did/do, at the miRNA stage. And with dozens to hundreds of other complex biological scripts to disarm and neutralize the virus, without creating a single antibody. "ANTIBODY' was a term the media latched onto, because it had vague recognition for millions of public. From grade school biology.

What media never explained, or understood themselves, was that this term was entirely inappropriate for the Covid dialogue. And killed more people by pushing governments down the wrong path, than were helped. The BMJ called the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, 'unconscionable.' Israel called Pfizer's CEO, "Mengele,' for vaccine experimentation. And entire nations that had not had a single Covid death, suddenly were plunged into Covid surge and millions of deaths, when vaccines were introduced.


Approximately 100 million Americans take high blood pressure medication, typically Ace inhibitors. At levels under 25 mg, these hpb RX  inhibit Covid19 by reducing Ace2 receptors in the bloodstream (for viral attachment). At the more common 25 mg or above dose, these Rx increase production of Ace2 and exagerrate Covid19 damage in heart and kidneys. Yet medical review and dose adjustment is still not a part of US Covid19 treatment protocol.

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An impractical solution - vaccinating the entire world -  is not a solution. It is just a way to create more billionnaires for Big Pharma. 19 would be created in the first year of the pandemic.   The whole idea behind the Covid vaccines, was money and math:

The vaccine market for Covid was (is) infinite: 

- 8 billion humans x 2 vaccines a year  x  forever.  A GOLDMINE.

The treatment & cure market for Covid was finite and TINY:

- only those with active symptoms - less than 2% of 8 billion;

and if this began in spring 2020, the virus momentum was expected to have been  stopped  by summer 2020.


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