TEXAS and other government agencies are not happy with a worsening trend in Pfizer and Moderna vaccine failures, and wants them held accountable. We have, like Johns Hopkins and the British Medical Journal, from the outset argued that children do not need vaccines for Covid, and that vaccines may even be dangerous to them, by suppressing their national broad-spectrum Innate defenses and substituting very narrow, strain-specific, back-end and slower-acting Adaptive vaccine defenses.
Only now, 4 years after our first BARDA submission to fund urgent Innate Immunity AI modeling and antiviral work - with supporting interest from Japan, Canada, Germany and the UKRI - are antivirals commonly prescribed and vaccines no longer mandated. The antiviral Paxlovid is commonly prescribed for high-risk (asthma, other immune-compromised) Covid patients; and works wonders in most patients, if started early enough.
But there were some 27 antivirals - before Paxlovid - identified by our company and other Covid researchers, as early as March 2020. And yet the first Covid antiviral was not released for public use until fall 2023. All of those early patients, including our own CEO, who has caught Covid 3 times now, fully vaccinated - had to wait and take their chances. This was a tragic case of the 'fork in the road' in Covid attitudes driving funding and medical thinking only and solely in the direction of vaccines. Yet in 2024, as Texas alleges, covid and Influenza vaccines are failing in record numbers. Only antiviral treatments are saving patients worldwide.
At a minmum, Canada had expressed interest in supporting us in lacing early vaccines, and/or stand-alone covid therapeutics to a backbone of highly concentrated mega Vit D - via IM injection or IV for seriously ill patients - due to D's remarkable ability to fight the worst human conditions, from Ebola to cancer tumors. And its master regulator role in human innate immunity.
We knew that children beat Covid 100% with early Innate Immunity response (due to different cell composition in nasal and smooth airway passages); and we knew that Vit D was critical to engaging Innate response; and that nations rich in sunlight - such as Vietnam, Iran, and Australia, and some African regions - showed 0 covid deaths until vaccines were introduced. So why didn't it make sense to max out everyone on Vitamin D to give their bodies a fighting chance, in those 3 years before vaccines were finally released?
We published as early as March 2020, that the best Covid treatment then, would be an antiviral - emulating Innate Immunity response - or massive Vit D dosage, to strengthen Innate response. Most Covid mortalities showed low D levels (30% - 70%).
Children have 'a zero to an infinitesimal chance' of dying or becoming ill from Covid
That was Johns Hopkins, the #2 US research and teaching hospital, agreeing with our CEO, Lucy Carpenter, regarding Pfizer license application to vaccinate children.
Covid is not measles. One is an Innate Immunity attacker, one is an adaptive immunity attacker. Innate Immunity is front-end, master immunity, and unless D depleted or faced with overwhelming microbial load, the patient will beat the disease early. What Big Pharma either failed to see, or clouded our eyes so that we could not see, was God's miracle in His design of pediatric Innate Immunity.
The world the secret to beating Covid with children's miraculous Innate Immunity. They never developed Covid symptoms. If they died, and Covid was present, it was a 'coincidence.' Not a cause. Children achieved this because God gave them a different nose and throat airway lining and cellular composition: their airway cells detect "a" virus or bacteria immediately and start to fight it.; and the glyco-protein surface composition is naturally slippery to further impede viral attachment. This lets children kill Covid long before it reaches their lungs and builds microbial load.
That was all the world needed to understand and replicate to save adult Covid patients. We did not need a vaccine: we needed to emulate how children beat it.
Vaccines are not our magic bullet for every ailment. They are just the biggest money-maker for BigPharma. Because the largest investment in any new drug is the R&D and clinical trial phase: if there is not long-term repeat business there is little anticipation of profit. A CURE does not make anyone rich. Because a cure ends the problem in a very short timeframe.
-- British Medical Journal, DC Strategic Group
Antivirals as treatments for Covid or other Innate diseases, like Influenza, work because they are broad-spectrum drugs that mimic what the Innate Immune systems produces naturally to defend us
Some 100 million Americans take blood pressure medicine, typically Ace inhibitors. At levels under 25 mg, these drugs inhibit Covid by reducing the number of Ace2 receptors in the bloodstream available for viral attachment. At a more common dose - 25 mg+ - these drugs increase production of Ace2 and exagerrate Covid19 damage in heart and kidneys. Yet medical review and dose adjustment is still not a part of US Covid19 treatment protocol.
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