If our lives and children and futures are important to us, we will go to the extra effort to understand this pandemic and the virus family causing it at the sophistication depth that requires. It's not enough to just say to a patient, 'you are infected." To really manage their disease progress, they need to understand - and doctors or health teams must help them manage - the basic concept of 'viral load' and a clean, healthy, nurturing healing environment.
The more concentrated the viral load exposure the more overwhelming to our immune system - studies show repeatedly that it is not just 'any' exposure, but quality and quantity of the viral load replication into our systems that impacts our ability to fight off Covid19 and remain asymptomatic. Those who live alone, or in luxury apartments, with clean, isolated air, fare much better in avoiding infection and in recovering quickly if infected, than those living in sub-standard conditions. Or staying in a hotel. Or exposed during a convention when the microbials were just blasted into them.
In China, one of the original aggravating factors spreading Covid19 was the extremely poor air quality. China ranks as one of the top air pollutant nations worldwide, and just breathing many days is a challenge there. So adding Covid19 to the lung burden was too much for many Chinese and they succombed faster. In the EU and UK, studies show a direct correlation between smoking - second-hand as well as direct - and Covid19 mortalities. Because any lung aggravation - mold, dust, smoke, radon, cement or drywall dust from construction - means the lungs are already inflammed and have less surplus capacity to be able to manage the immediate, aggressive Covid19 cytokine response.
A second high risk factor for Covid19 patients is the 'viral load' addition concept. Remember, Covid19's agenda is to enter a human host and reproduce. Then exist to infect another host. And another. But the virus reproduces at varying rates in different individuals - based in part on their health condition, and in part on the environment the virus catches them in.
Studies with children and adults suggest a strong correlation between total viral load in the air - because Covid19 lives in vapor, as well as on surfaces; and air volume used up with Covid19 is air volume not used by O2 - and recovery. When air is 'saturated' with Covid19 microbials, that is felt to be a very dangerous environment for any human, even if the human host is already infected. Particularly as we start to see 're-infections' with Covid19 appear more frequently, including here in the Washington DC metro area; and as the vaccines are rolled out.
Because studies out of Wuhan, India, and US labs indicate that the Covid19 vaccines may suppress the Innate Immunity that has kept 99% of us safe all year (without antibodies); and that with hepatitis, a close Covid19 cousin, as well as bacterial or viral infections transmitted via syringe; a 'rebound' effect is seen, in which after a few weeks, patient susceptibility to the virus being targeted by the vaccine actually increases, up to 100 x what the susceptibility was otherwise. So it will become even more important to assure that Covid19 patients with asthma, heart disease, cancer or other high-risk factors have the cleanest air and most isolated from contaminants environments to recover in.
Once their immune systems are down, due to Covid19 - it's like being around an aids patient: they are the ones more vulnerable, not vice versa. We catch Covid19 most often from the air - smoke, hvac.