Nestle Tragedy

The Nestle Baby Formula Tragedy

How millions of babies died from corporate greed

Outrage started in the 1970s, when Swiss company Nestle was accused of using manipulative advertising and political economic pressures to get  third world mothers hooked on their baby formula, which is less healthy and more expensive than breast milk. The Guardian ran an expose entitled "Nestlé Toten Babies" (Nestlé Kills Babies), which helped fuel a global boycott, and UN and WHO investigation. Still, it would take over a decade and millions of lost infants and toddlers for WHO pressure to start to reverse this tragedy. 

But that did not bring the dead babies back to life.
Are we headed down the same path with the new Covid-19 'vaccines?"

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In the 1970s, global food giant Nestle created an urgent 'need' that didn't exist. And sold it to mothers as an imperative for healthy babies.

In 1981, after millions of babies were found to have died or been made seriously ill, the UN World Health Assembly (the governing body of the World Health Organisation) recommended the adoption of an international code of conduct to govern the promotion and sale of breast milk substitutes. 

There is no such international code of conduct (yet) for the promotion and sale of pandemic vaccines. We are once again at the mercy of global media and  global companies leveraging the intense emotions and fears created by the pandemic, selling 'miracle's shrouded in medical mystery.

In the Nestle scandal, millions of babies died because they were artificially robbed of the mother's antibodies, and unsanitary water was used to mix the formulae.


Because the amoeba and parasites killing the babies were ADAPTIVE immune attackers, the babies needed to inherit the adaptive antibodies from their mother's breast milk and colostrum. And they needed to avoid dirty, microbial-infested water altogether.

The diseases killing these infants and children - measles, bacteria,  e-coli - are the same diseases cited by NIH and Dr Fauci as rationale for the US vaccine strategy. But these are "Adaptive' pathogens. Covid19, and the entire SARS viral family are 180 degrees different - they are 'Innate" Immune attackers. Why would we think that an adaptive vaccine would protect against an Innate virus?

 When a disease kills everyone, but especially vulnerable infants and children, it is an 'Adaptive" Immunity target. And a vaccine that triggers antibodies will usually prevent it. When it kills primarily older humans, it is Innate. Children have much stronger Innate immune sytems then adults. Marked by variance in enzymes, aminos, GHF, and other synergies and elements, including Vitamin D absorption capabilities.

The Pandemic: A Selective Killer

When a disease or condition is very selective in victims - like sickle cell anemia, or MS, or now, the pandemic - we know the underlying mechanism and actions of the disease are not likely to be antibody-related. Such diseases are more likely to feed off of biochemical, genetic, or molecular variance between victims and healthy adults or youth.

And such diseases are cured or prevented, not by antibodies, but by mechanical or biochemical or genetic interventions: Innate Immunity responses. Do we give black patients a vaccine or antibody to treat or prevent sickle cell anemia, for example?

The vaccine race was a knee-jerk reaction, fueled by media not trained in scientific investigation or intelligence, who immediately assumed - NEVER ASSUME IN SCIENCE OR DEFENSE - they knew what was best. They assumed that Covid-19 was identical to the common flu or the measles.

But common sense should have told all of us straight away, that it was not the same. BECAUSE WORLDWIDE, IT SPARED CHILDREN. AND THEN, AS THE MONTHS WORE ON, WE SAW THAT IT SPARED ALMOST EVERYONE.

99.1% of us are protected from  Covid-19 naturally, and 90% of us never show antibodies. This makes this virus different from any other epidemic or virus or disease. If we don't 'get' this, we may kill ourselves, just as Nestle did, with marketing and media duping us into the wrong action.

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