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Brilliance isn't just an adjective, it's a state of mind.

Perspective is Everything

We can see just the 0.003% of US total population who have gotten sick or died from Covid, ignoring that smoking and heart disease are even more deadly; or we can see the 337.2 million of US residents who have not. And statistically, never will whether we vaccinate or not. 

 1 in every 100,000 Americans, on average, died of Covid in January.

1 in every 5 Americans died of smoking, direct or second-hand. In the UK and Europe, 1 in 4.

When Covid cases "overwhelm" hospitals, that is often because over 60% of the beds are already used up by smoking-related patients. Can't we 'get' anything?

That's why we've spent the past two years  on Covid Treatment and Cure design, and not vaccines. Covid illness and deaths are anomalies, and in medicine, you treat the anomalies. You don't force a preventative on everyone healthy.  To treat anomalies succumbing to an Innate Immunity attacker - less than .003% of Americans - we just copy pediatric Innate Immune function into adults.

We'd much rather copy God, who has a pretty good track record, than Pfizer or Sanofi.

Don't risk 99% to save 1%. Treat the 1%. And.. ban smoking.

Don't we all wish we were as cool as Red Bull or Coast Guard elite teams?

These teams can see 400 feet below the Artic ice and endure sub-sub-zero temps and  spotty satellite coverage like they were in downtown Dallas.  We can't take credit for their X-games or endurance, but we can clue you in on the other capabilities...

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Engineering & Design

We are a government contractor and consulting firm providing design & development, engineering innovation, strategy and intelligence  across an array of mission-critical arenas. Our Nobel-calibre teams and company success help clients manage risk and improve performance across operations, technology and architectures, AI, and other new frontiers.


Good Work for Common Good

We create thoughtful, empowering design, strategy, and technology for mission-critical, mission-driven initiatives. Innovating our world, one paradigm shift at a time. Sometimes the most important achievement is simply right understanding.


Where Space & Sea Meet


A Smarter Hypersonic Defense


Pandemic Treatment & Cure
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