
Viral Attachment via Endosomes

Vitamin D - a key regulator of our Innate Immune system  - plays an essential role in the immune response against viral infections. Recent studies show extremely high efficacy in its ability to moderate or inhibit viral attachment by regulating ph levels and inihbiting cathepsin-L, two key requirements for the less common, endosomal method of Covid-19 attachment.  Blocking this route of entry is still important, as Sars-Cov-2  shows a marked ability, like its cousin hepatitis, to mutate its actions to meet challenges in its environment.

Viral Attachment via Plasma Membrane

Inhibiting the precursors or elements  required for Cov19 to attach to ACE2 initially - lividomycin, burixafor, quisinostat, fluprofylline, pemetrexed, spirofylline, edotecarin, and diniprofylline  (PMC7377801) are just some of the suggested pro-drugs currently under consideration; Wuhan and our company have suggested others - blocks or impairs viral entry via this method. Studies since fall 2020 have also shown that RX concentrated Vitamin D itself, in various forms, also inhibits both ACE2, and its precurssor, Adam17.

The use of bisphonate diuretics or high blood pressure medications, used by some 100 million Americans, also potentially impacts this process, depending on the dosage of the ACE inhibitor used: studies have shown that ACE inhibitors of less than 25 mg per day inhibit Covid19, whilst doses of 25 mg or higher exaggerate it.

Viral Activation and Translation (Budding)

We think one of the best Covid-19 activation-inhibiting antivirals is the pro-drug, Nafamostat, funded by Japan and Korea. Nafamostat has always shown very high efficacy - up to 85%  against the TMPRSS-2 receptor that allows the virus to activate, after attaching to the ACE2 receptors. But in its earliest forms, Nafamostat was only available as an IV - like the potent steroid that our company supported first patended use for Covid19 for, Dexamathesone.

But whereas Dexamathesone, made by Pfizer, never progressed past the IV form - thus limiting its use as a widespread early treatment - Japan and Korea funded a special pilot study to make this drug easily dosed and transported, and it now is available outside of the US, in nasal spray form. A truly miraculous drug!

Other options to Nafamostat, inside the US, include concentrated Vitamin D, in its seco-steroid form: available for IV, shot, or oral dosage. Like Nafamostat, this form of RX D was used first against tumors and prostate cancer - showing us that the same function is already performed naturally by our human systems, when we support our Innate Immunity, and do not allow it to become Vitamin D, or other nutrient- depleted, or overloaded by stress. 

We can't wait to shave 5 hours off trans-atlantic flights..

.. but we are content to wait a year, or 2 or 3, for a pandemic vaccine?  It's almost as if we forgot the goal was not 'a vaccine,' but 'a cure. What next?   

Space & Satellite Systems

We provide space, launch, satellite, and navigational systems design and management support for US government and commercial customers. Our work includes:
  •  US Cabinet-level vulnerability analysis of military and FAA navigational and radar satellite systems and ground stations; 
  • US Navy cyber forensics and network evaluation for Chinese counter-intelligence, cyber security and forensic analysis;  
  • Space systems design engineering; and 
  • Satellite launch management and support. 

01 Derek Chauvin Murder Trial (George Floyd)

After watching 8.5 minutes of a hefty male  kneeling on the NECK of a handcuffed, unresisting victim  - it insults our nation to hear defense say Floyd 'would have died anyway' or deserved such treatment because he was on drugs.  He was addicted to OPIATES, not crack. He was unarmed, not going to hurt anyone.

Police had questionable right to handcuff Floyd anyway,  solely on the word of a merchant that he passed a counterfeit $20 bill - casinos see this dozens of times daily and never call police. They just refuse the bills. The police escalated a common non-crime into a violent stand-off. WHY?

The precedent is "unreasonable' escalation, and failure to intervene. Chauvin and every accomplice should be sentenced to DEATH,  under US Title 18, S. 242  (CIVIL RIGHTS) which allows up to life in prison, or death.



02 PWC County, Virginia: Police Abuse & Judicial Violation of Pandemic Executive Orders to Hurt Tenant

In another landmark precedent-setting (pending) federal case, local PWC County police began last March 2020 to bully, extort and intimidate a female tenant - of just 1 week at the townhome involved - because she asked the Kaiser Alexandria, VA Member Services landlady for a rent refund.

The police violated US Executive Pandemic Orders and pretended to file fake No Contact orders for the landlady - during court closure and tenant protection - to bully her out of the just-paid-for property without refund or personal belongings. VA police called the female tenant over 36 times, leaving taped threats of violence or death, or demands for money.

When the female tenant elevated this behavior, Virginia state officials did nothing. And in fall, when she missed the landlord-tenant hearing because she was in a covid19 isolation ward, the county judge put her in contempt, despite Kaiser doctors testifying for her to the county. The matter is now before the US Congress and DOJ.

03 Chinese Cyber Den found in District of Columbia, tapping into Argonne National Labs

A downtown Washington DC Air BNB home was found recently, by us, to have a home network of over 36 illegal mainland Chinese computing and surveillance devices. Worse, the non-citizens there were found tapping into US Department of Energy's Argonne Nuclear and Science services, including one server marked "COVID-19"- and similar US Federal Government servers at Howard University, President Obama's alma mater, and other US nuclear labs. The non-citizens were found to be uploading scripts and downloading information from the Argonne Lab servers.

04 Wells Fargo violates US Federal REG-E, so don't believe "Zero Liability"

In a nationally unheard-of federal banking violation, Wells Fargo allowed an unauthorized (by the victim) $2700 closed debit card transaction to go through a covid19 victim's checking account. And failed to credit the funds back to her. Wow.

How a Front-end Treatment differs from a Back-end Vaccine

Every point in the Sars-Cov-2 viral lifecycle represents an opportunity to defeat the virus by inhibiting the human receptors used (Ace2, Tmprss-2, other); changing the cellular surface proteins of our lung and airway cells; or otherwise impairing viral attachment, activation, inter-cellular communication, RNA replication, and shedding back into the environment to re-infect other human hosts. We are not constrained to only impacting the virus at its back-end, Adaptive Immunity or vaccine (antibody) stage. We should also remember that our human bodies were designed by God  to have a much stronger front-end, Innate Immunity defense that is not specialized, but simply recognizes any virus and sets out immediately - the same or next day - to defeat it.

Deadly South  African Variant makes it to the US

The vaccines are NOT the answer to this pandemic.

The United States reported its first cases of the South African variant on 28 January 2021, in South Carolina.  20H/501Y.V2 or B.1.351 is scary because its mutation makes it easier to catch, and its protein spike changes make it much less responsive to neutralizing antibodies induced by the vaccines. To hear more about our non-vaccine, anti-viral work,  reply below:

Contact Us

A highly-paid professor left a prestigious university just as he was about to make tenure, to take an inner city DC teaching job. About a year later one of  his former colleagues ran into him, and asked,  "What do you make now?"  The former professor thought for a minute and  said, "I make a difference!"

- Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Washington DC   (America's first black Cardinal)

Sometimes, the herd is too big to wait for immunity  

Quick Interventions Now

Innate Immunity

Non-specific, defends against any pathogen up on first exposure.

Acquired Immunity

Antigen-specific, it responds to a specific pathogen on 2nd or latter exposure.

Why wait for vaccine responses that won't help everyone until 2027, as WHO predicts, if there are already anti-viral and innate immunity drugs that could be saving lives NOW?

What if we could beat Sars-Cov-2 without a vaccine? Or what if vaccines might work, for some patients, but there are really multiple treatments and preventatives we could be using? That's the case with most disease conditions - why should this virus be any different? Rarely in medicine is there only 1 cure or 1 preventative. 

The real trick then, would be to find ALL possible solutions - treatments, preventatives, and combination drugs that do both functions - and prioritize and manufacture them based on key criteria: speed to market, speed to function in the human body, affordability, ease of dosage, etc.

We think the REAL answer to stopping this pandemic is not just one type of approach (vaccine) - prevention - and not just one type of prevention - vaccine. What we really need, one year out, is a combination approach that both prevents and treats, rapidly. And is affordable, and works with higher, irrefutable efficacy than 66%.

Aerospace & Defense

We support space, satellite, launch, and aerospace operations and development. Our latest innovation includes US hypersonic and nuclear missile defense and C5-ISR control ops improvement.

Biotech & Health Advisory

As soon as the pandemic hit, we were advising NIH and CDC with early insight: anti-viral treatments, and microbial environmental containment. Our global insight has been consistently early and accurate.

National Intelligence

From the Boeing MCAS issues to Chinese hypersonic R&D, and supporting US Attorney Huawei indictments with cyber forensics, our advisory services help US Federal teams meet goals and protect America.

Government Services

We advise and serve customers from the US Cabinet Secretary level, to senior agency management, to US military foreign arms sales teams. Early, visionary technology innovation & sales.

  • Protecting US Military Navigation

    Sure we lead the world in aviation & fighter technology; but it's only as good as the security of our navigational guidance.

    Vulnerability Analysis
  • Is there a FASTER alternative to vaccines?

    (YES!) With thousands of patients seriously ill and dying every day, we must move to anti-virals and Innate Immunity boosters.

  • Catchng Up with China

    In the past 4 years, China has pulled ahead of the US in hypersonic & nuclear missile capabilities. Our PRE-LAUNCH strategic framework -  called 'Brilliant!" by reviewers including the Brookings Foundation - stops this arms race cold. 


Quick, unorthodox interventions that are helping our CEO. It's still uncharted territory, but the virus is so fast-moving that it's important to be as aggressive as possible as early as possible.

STEROIDS: The AMA and many doctors still advise against steroids. But WHO has affirmed the use of steroids for asthmatics and other lung-compromised patients with Covid-19. Beginning steroids on Day 2 resulted in gradual but significant improvement in inflammation and has helped to normalize breathing. 

ANTIBIOTICS: Whilst it is true that antibiotics do not treat Covid-19 itself, they can treat secondary infections that are caused by or occur with the virus. Starting antibiotics on Day 3 helped with kidney and lung congestion, and gradually reduced fever. 

EATING: Our CEO, like many Covid-19 patients, could eat almost nothing the first few days. But forcing oneself to eat even a few morsels of high-calorie foods or protein smoothies gives energy to better fight the virus. *Carbonated beverages, like soda, aggravate kidney pain - because when already overloaded, the kidneys have to work a little harder to clear such beverages. 

PAIN PILLS: Almost half of all Covid-19 patients who get sick (46%) suffer some level of kidney pain or harm. And the strong, unusual 'burning" of the virus as it attacks various parts of the body can be pretty unbearable, especially making sleep difficult. So ask your doctor for enough of an RX to at least allow for some sleep / rest.

PULSE OXIMETER:  Kaiser Permanente, our CEO's doctor, gives every new (sick) Covid19 patient a small portable oximeter to measure Oxygen levels and pulse. Because sometimes when we are in a lot of pain or don't feel well, it's hard to tell just how 'well' we are really doing. And because one of the biggest dangers with Covid-19 is breathing difficulty and lung inflammation, being able to check your O2 levels every hour or so lets patients monitor at home their condition. It's both reassuring and a good visualization, to see the numbers stay high.

VITAMIN D: Covid-19 is only now - in the US - being recognized as an Innate Immunity disease or virus. Innate immunity is the parent immune system, and governs the cellular surface and inflammatory response inside the lungs. It is the front gate between our body and any invader -the 'always on' defense that is stronger than antibodies or any other mechanism. China / Wuhan researchers have said since 2010, that every corona virus 'beats' our Innate Immunity first - using the M protein that disables part of this 'master' immune system. Vitamin D is the 'master control' over our Innate Immunity, and most pandemic patients, especially mortality patients, present as deficient in Vitamin D. So an immediate concentrated boost - IM shot or IV - takes effect in 24 hours or less is shown this fall to cut respirator deaths from 66% to 33%; and to reduce inflammatory response and cytokine storm - especially when combined with steroids to boost further the anti-inflammatory steroid capabilities - from 50% - 75%. Thus speeding  recovery time and dramatically protecting lungs, heart, and brain.

The numbers you need to know.
The pending vaccines have serious issues, and don't make sense. Here's why:


Days for the new anti-body based vaccines to work

48 hrs

From initial exposure to infection onset, if vulnerable

1 in 10

Or fewer Americans ever show Covid-19 antibodies


Of 7 billion humans have died of Covid-19 (1.4 million)

Our CEO contracts Covid19

Just before Christmas, our CEO became infected and fell quite ill whilst staying at a Rockville MD suites hotel. We wanted to share lessons learned, what the hotel did wrong, and quick medical interventions that have helped her thus far.  And, we show the critical path of 'exponential infection' from just 1 exposure.. as well as the ethical delimma patients face - personal  privacy vs alerting of others to prevent more victims. 

Doing the pandemic math: why vaccines may not be our best solution. 

#B3BCBF5.2 Billion vs 40 million:

There are over 7.8 billion humans living on our earth. At least 66% of us must be innoculated and achieve Sars-Cov-2 immunity - at the same time - for 'herd immunity' to stop the pandemic:

  • Roughly 5.2 billion first & second vaccine doses at the same time  

Or, we can instead focus on TREATMENT interventions - a branch of pandemic biopharma barely funded or considered:  this is a much more manageable population of only those seriously sick and dying:

  • Roughly 40 million worldwide on any given day.

A Treatable Disease is a Neutralized Disease:

A treatable illness - like leprosy or anemia or staph infection - becomes 'manageable' and is neutralized. There are excellent anti-viral and "Innate Immunity' treatments that both prevent and treat Cov-19 - reducing respirator mortality from 66% to 33%; reducing risk of infection and shortening symptom duration and severity by 50% - 75% - that our CEO and other nations have championed since March 2020. But often these best treatments are either not yet available in the US - due to US leadership funding and focus on only vaccines - or are available only for the most wealthy, or for those with government leadership roles. Not for everyone.

More importantly -  financial margins for Covid-19 Innate Immunity & Anti-Viral drugs (in the few hundred millions) are not nearly as high as the virtually unlimited, cost-is-no-object vaccine market.

Our Game-Changing Anti-Viral Solution



Capturing nature at its best!

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