We are a growth & transformation company

We deliver world-class technology, strategy, performance and risk leadership; with a focus on federal markets and national defense.

We think it is imperative that the US Military take over leadership of the California fire response.

We have helped government agencies and call centers evaluate and strategize for better disaster preparedness.

The US Military has over 900 Chinook helicopters, each able to fill a water bucket in under 2 minutes and fly to the furthest fire from the sea in 9 mins. Quantity is needed, urgently.

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We provide technology‑enabled innovation and transformation; and strategy-driven financial performance.

We optimize technology investments and improve financial performance and return for government and commercial clients.

We help teams grow, build resiliency, and harness change.

llama. intelligence. risk.

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In the Real World, speed to solution is critical. Whatever the arena. We get this.

White House National Security and Cyber Advisory

Power Shell - found on every Windows OS -  remained the No. 1 language and access of choice for Cyber criminals last year. We'll show you how to neutralize this threat in 10 minutes or less.

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In a place where you can be almost anything,

remember the cost that others paid so that you can just be yourself.

US Navy Top 20 Innovator of the Year

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