Biotech & Human Systems

Biotech and Human Systems

Exploring the basics of Biology & Human Systems Architectures and how they condition or constrain Innate Immunity and recovery

Government Biotech             Product Design           Commercial Biologics

Medical Intelligence and S&T Leadership and Innovation

Because most US military and AI systems architectures and processing is designed to closely emulate the workings of the marvelous human and earth ecosystems and architectures, it is a natural partnership to join biomedical R&D with national defense and energy R&D. We help clients and accelerators in government and commercial sectors design, manage, and implement investigations into  human: disease molecular architectures, and to transfer - or visualize and engineer - emerging technologies to improve outcomes.

Understanding and leveraging the human microbiome to combat travel- and food-related disease and parasites

Our Innate Immune system was architected (we believe, by God), to work in concert with our individual human microbiomes to protect us in our place on earth. Early humans did not travel large distances and did not encounter on a daily basis, as we do now, new deadly or disabling pathogens from food, water, air, and fellow humans.

The microbiome is a reflection of the local environment, but what is 'local' in 2023? NIH and WHO have posited that staying at home in one's neighborhood in Chicago is just as dangerous now as traveling through the jungles of  Thailand or plains of Africa - due to the huge rates of immigration, and imported food, animals, and textiles. Parasites lay microscopic eggs and egg cysts that attach easily to almost any surface and - it is now known - may even be entirely dehydrated to the point of seeming lifelessness, but instantly rehydrated and brought back to life, hundreds of years later.

Transferring Covid Lessons Learned to Future Pathogens, Especially Parasistes

As we see from the diagram at right, the nasal passage is a key microbial entry point. This makes it critical to the design of the human architecture, that babies, toddlers, and children quickly dispatch any viral attacker - before the virus enters replication phase and its microbial load overwhelmes tiny lungs and other still-developing organs. Cchildren have a different type of nasal lining than adults, that contains more 'recognition' and attack cells, than adults. They are the 'always-on' Israeli Dome, protecting our youngest humans first, to protect the entire species. This was in anticipation, we believe, that babies, toddlers, and children might encounter pathogens that they would not be strong enough to survive and then to develop antibodies against (Adaptive Immunity) and that would be so new their mothers would not have passed on Adaptive immunity to them for.

The babies and very young children beat Covid not by recognizing it as Covid, but simply by recognizing it as 'a viral threat,' and attacking it with first inhalation. So the microbial load is never allowed to reach cytokine phase and kill them.


Parasites are even more deadly than Covid, and WHO and the Gates Foundation have termed them the "Invisible Pandemic" - killing or injuring 25% of the human race every year. Covid killed or made seriously ill less than 2% of all humans. And parasites are easily transmitted by travel and global trade, from more infected nations into developed nations like the US.

Our next global challenge is to leverage Innate Immunity lessons learned from children's amazing ability to survive Covid - to activate their powerful Innate Immunity early enough - to beating parasites. Because children and adults alike are vulnerable to these threats, as well as livestock and food crops. When we - humans - become 'food' for other creatures, we can die. Or be blinded. Or suffer serious kidney, brain, or muscle infections.

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